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The Annual Showcase issue is now available online! Packed full of news, interviews and features, including:
Terminal Openings : Terminal openings and expansion projects were dominated by one country in 2022: the USA. Jack Roper examines a handful of the most innovative opening.
Fraport Digital Factory : Fraport’s Digital Factory division is helping drive change and innovation across the business. Paul Willis finds out how.
Advanced Air Mobility : ACI World believes that now is the time to start planning for the integration of advanced air mobility concepts with airport ecosystems.
Consultancy Insight : Nine leading aviation consultants explore some of the key post-pandemic challenges facing the sector and discuss possible solutions to help ease the burden.
Note to iPad and iPhone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or iPhone to at least the iOS 5 Operating System.
Note to Android tablet and Android phone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or Android phone to at least the Version 4.0 Operating System.