Airport International Group – the Jordanian company responsible for managing the rehabilitation, expansion and operation…
Search Results: Airport International Group (967)
Groupe ADP has finalized the transaction for the ownership of 51% of the capital and…
Plaza Premium Group (PPG), a leading global airport hospitality services provider, Egypt Aviation Services (EAS)…
Alstef has installed a new baggage handling system (BHS) at Princess Juliana International Airport in…
Newcastle Airport in the Australian state of New South Wales has selected the Alstef Group…
Hospitality provider Plaza Premium Group (PPG) has announced that it will be providing 17 passenger…
Glidepath Limited, now trading as Alstef Group, has been selected to supply, install and commission…
Plaza Premium Group and DragonPass International, a leading airport ecosystem digital platform provider, have announced…
Health and wellness company XpresSpa Group, Inc., in conjunction with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority,…
Changi Airports International (CAI) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with China’s Hunan Airport…